This code of conduct is a general statement covering the expected behaviour of users of Kensal Rise Library. It covers members and non-members of the library. You should also make yourselves familiar with and abide by the terms and conditions covering the use of computers, including personal computers, in the library.
- Treat Library staff, volunteers and other users with respect and courtesy.
- Refrain from shouting, using abusive, discriminatory, or offensive language, comments and/or behaviour, verbal or physical harassment.
- Library staff/volunteers will not tolerate any form of abusive behaviour. Contact a member of staff or a volunteer if you wish to complain about another user’s conduct.
- All library users and members must comply with our Equality & Diversity Policy.
Computer use
- Please be considerate of other users. If you are watching or listening to something with audio content, use headphones.
- Library computers are not provided for the watching of television for entertainment purposes.
- Please consider giveing a donation to cover costs if you are not a student/on benefit.
Eating & Drinking
- No food or drink may be consumed by users within the library during opening hours.
- Drinking is limited to water from bottles with tops/lids. No water nor any other drink may be consumed near the computers.
- Clear your study space when you leave and put all rubbish in bins in order to maintain a clean environment.
- Return books and all other items used in the library to the correct place.
Mobile Phones
- No phone calls may be taken inside the library.
- Mobile phones must be set to silent mode before entering the library.
- You are not permitted to recharge your mobile phone within the library.
Electrical Devices
- No electrical devices may be plugged into any socket unless PAT-tested.
- Avoid all unnecessary noise and disturbance in the library. Do not play audio on computers of mobile telephones, unless you are using headphones. Audio content must not be audible to others.
Opening Hours
- Please be aware of the opening hours of the library; you have no right of access outside of the advertised opening hours.
- Please stop using the facilities and leave promptly when asked to do so by library staff or volunteers.
- Please leave your pushchair outside the library unless you have a good reason for bringing it in, e.g., your child is asleep in it. We have limited space and pushchairs would be a hazard if we needed to evacuate the library.
- Please park pushchairs by the cycle racks, not on the ramp which is for wheelchair access. We can lend you a lock if you need one.
Theft and Vandalism
- When you leave the library make sure that all the books or other materials that you are carrying have been properly issued to you.
- If you are found in possession of material that have not been issued to you, this will be treated as a serious breach of the code of conduct.
- Refrain from misusing or damaging any furniture or equipment.
Withdrawal of Library Membership/right to use the library
- Kensal Rise Library and the Friends of Kensal Rise Library reserve the right to withdraw library membership and/or the right to use the library in response to breaches of the library Terms and Conditions and/or Code of Conduct.
In this section...
Make a Donation
The library depends on donations to keep open. Thank you for your support.