Please Help
We are collecting non-perishable/in-date food for the Sufra Food Bank in the library’s collection bin. Please donate items from the following shopping list:
Shopping List
Milk (long life)
Cooking oil
Cereal, Oats, Porridge
Rice, Pasta
Lentils (red/yellow)
Soup (tins/boxes)
Baked beans
Chick peas, kidney beans etc (tins)
Fruit, Vegetables (tins)
Stock cubes (vegetarian)
Tinned fish (tuna, sardines)
Salt, Pepper
Tinned Rice Pudding, Custard
Tea, Coffee
Jam, Honey, Marmalade
Biscuits, Crackers
Instant noodles
Baby milk, Baby food, Nappies
Shampoo, Soap
Toilet paper
Toothbrush, Toothpaste
Shaving creams, Razors
Sanitary products
Washing-up liquid/Hand-wash
The Food and Toiletries Collection Bin is usually kept outside during operational hours for easier donor accesss (Weds-Fri 2pm-5pm & Sat 10am-1pm).
We are working in partnership with Sufra
Make a Donation
The library depends on donations to keep open. Thank you for your support.