We have always been led by volunteers. Our volunteers are essential to keeping a local library in our neighbourhood. They give their valuable time to provide free access to books, computers and other services, assisting the Library Manager when we’re open, at events – like authors’ talks – and in many other capacities.
From running shifts to running (swimming and cycling!) in fundraising events, from sorting books to sorting IT issues, volunteers play a key part in everything the library does and needs. Indeed, there would not be a library at the heart of our community, if it weren’t for years of volunteer effort – be it campaigning, or operationally.
If you are thinking of volunteering with us and would like more information, please email: kensalriselibraryvolunteers@hotmail.com

Meet Two Of Our Volunteers
Not only do Marc and Kathy help at library events – but being an IT wiz, Marc set up the book-borrowing system, while Kathy makes beautiful merchandise for sale at the library.
The library needs, and hugely appreciates, a wide range of expertise from its wonderful volunteers.

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Make a Donation
The library depends on donations to keep open. Thank you for your support.